2012年2月28日 星期二

Something regrettable in 2011

I had somethings that made me upset last year. Among them, the most regrettable one was that I lost a friend. Whiskey, my ex-boyfriend, had been in love with me for three years. We even got married in 2009. In fact, I know he is bisexual. After we got married, he didn’t change his sexual orientation. I felt very sad and I know his disloyal behavior. I asked him for divorce in 2010. We were still friends. Last year, he talked to me on MSN for getting back together. I didn’t want to be his lover or wife anymore. My boyfriend knew our story, and felt angry. He wrote an article for Whiskey in my blog. After Whiskey read this article, he knew that he had no chance any more. He cut off all contact with me. Although he and I had no fate to be lovers (husband and wife), he was a good friend of mine. It is regrettable that I lost a friend.

2012年2月24日 星期五

A coworker of mine

I am a teacher of a Day-care school. I work here for nine years. I have many good coworkers. My boss, Peter, is also one of my good coworkers. Although he is the boss, he is just like our father. He took care about everyone in our Day-care school, whether business or personal life. He taught me to ride a motorcycle seven years ago. I remembered that we practiced every morning for two week. He always gives us some critical suggestions. He is always kind and well-tempered. When I moved out, he helped me to rent an apartment. If I have any questios, he is the best audience. He is my boss, and he is my best new Papa, too.

A Driving Tour Around the Island - Day 1

My friend and I planed a driving tour around the island during the last three days of my Chinese New Year holidays. We decided to visit easternmost, westernmost, southernmost, and northernmost tips in Taiwan.

On The Fifth Day of Chinese New Year ( January 27th ) early morning, we drove to the northernmost tip and stopped to wait the sunrise. Fuguei Cape Lighthouse(富貴角燈塔) is the northernmost tip in Taiwan. The lighthouse is black and white, just like a zebra. I called it “ Zebra Lighthouse”. Then, we went to the easternmost tip -- Sandiego Lighthouse(三貂角燈塔). The visits can go into the Sandiego Lighthouse. It is the only one that can be visited in the four tips.

After a long driving, we arrived at Hualian. The sun was ready to back down, but our hotel was at Taitung! The most exciting thing was we parked in the dark mountain road, walked across the road to the “Man can conquer nature” stele and took some pictures. About 11:30, we finally arrived at the hotel. The first day we drove from Sanchong to Taitung! We felt very tired and happy!

2012年2月23日 星期四

How did I spend my Chinese New Year holidays? (1) - Family Day

There were nine holidays during this Chinese New Year. My parents planed to Nantou(南投) on Chinese New Year’s Eve, so we had the family reunion dinner on January 20th. It was very cold and wet in Taipei during Chinese New Year holidays. First three days, I almost stayed at home. I only went to Mackay Memorial Hospital(馬偕紀念醫院) in Tamsui to see my aunt and take her some fruit or chicken soup. My parents came back on The First Day of Chinese New Year. On The Second Day of Chinese New Year ( January 24th ), we went to my grandmother’s home. My aunts, uncles, and cousins also came back to my grandmother’s home. I got red envelopes from my aunts and grandmother. My cousins and I played poker. It was a very happy thing that I can get together with family members in the Chinese New Year holidays.