2012年4月25日 星期三

Reflection: Food, Inc.

Food, Inc. is a 2008 American documentary film directed by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Robert Kenner. The film examines corporate farming in the United States, concluding that agribusiness produces food that is unhealthy, in a way that is environmentally harmful and abusive of both animals and employees.

Last Saturday, our class watched a documentary film about food in the United States. The documentary was called "Food, Inc". After I watched Food Inc, I was disgusted and shocked. From the film, I known that it only takes 48 days for a chicken to go to market. It is not natural! How could it be possible? 

The one statistic that shocked me was the factory workers, not farmer, give chickens hormones and make them grow bigger and faster. The chickens can only walk for a few seconds because they are so big that their bones can’t keep up with the rapid growth of the fat.

The other one statistic that shocked me was the cows. The factory workers made holes in the cows because the cows can’t digest the skin of the corn. They stuck plastic tubes into the cows’ stomachs to pull out all the non-digestible food. It is so cruel! 

Knowing about history may help us understand the facts. We eat everyday so we need to change our thinking. We need to make decisions based on facts, instead of based on perception.

