2012年8月27日 星期一

An Important Thing – English songs Contest

        I am a Day Care Center teacher. Every summer vacation, we hold many activities for children. The last activity in this summer vacation is “English songs Contest”. Every class needs to prepare one English song, and performs it on August 24th. My class is the sixth grade. Our English song is “Lemon Tree”.

        From July, we listen to the English song every day. We search video about “Lemon Tree” dance by google. My class and I discuss the dance steps together. At the beginning, my students didn’t take it seriously. They looked like slouchy. After I convinced them, they became to unite for the contest. I even bought fourteen silver hats and ties for their contest. Everyone helped to cut the yellow paper to do some lemons and paste them on the hats.

        How time flies! Two months passed away. It’s almost the day to race. Every one was so nervous. They all wanted to be the champion. I promised them to have a funfest party before the end of summer vacation if they be the champion. When they were full of energy and sang the song loudly, I knew they will be the champion! As we expected, we were the champion! From this contest, we all learned “Unity is Strength”.

